High quality precision kits designed for you to turn into beautiful models
SR Maunsell/Urie King Arthur and 5000 gallon Bogie tender
Loco and tender £655.00 + carriage at cost
GWR Collett 14/48xx Tank £383.00 + carriage at cost. This kit has been temporarily withdrawn.
GWR Collett 54xx/64xx 0-6-0 Pannier Tank £383.00 + carriage at cost
Bulleid Rebuilt Merchant Navy This kit has been withdrawn but will be re-introduced early next year, 2023
Bulleid Q1 with 3700 gallon tender, Loco and tender £546.00 + carriage at cost
BR Standard 2-6-4T 4MT (in Fine scale and S7)
(Fine scale) £558.00 + carriage at cost (S7) £580.00
+ carriage at cost
Limited number of metal wheel sets available £196.00
Click on an image to go to full kit details
LMS Stanier 2-8-0 with 4000 gallon tender This kit will be re-introduced early next year, 2023